Interface Systems and Programmers |
$41.80 |
K99 Kit 99 Motorola 68HC705K1 Programmer/SimulatorFor 386 & 486 machines only.
$89.60 |
DIY KIT 117 PICALL Microcontroller PIC ProgrammerA continuity tester is one of the most useful pieces of test equipment to have. It is used for testing the electrical continuity between two points. Our tester will "buzz" up to a specified resistance or less. Two on-board resistance ranges available. Full theory of operation given. The user may adjust the resistance ranges to suit his own requirements. The kit is driven from the Parallel Printer port of a PC using a straight thru M/F 25 pin cable. These are readily available. There is no software Registration, as a programmed chip is supplied in the kit, and the PC driver software is free. For volume programming and maximum flexibility the kit requires one on-board wide-slot 40-pin ZIF socket. The software tells you where to place the PIC you are programming. (Note some older designed PIC programmers available like the Warp-13 have 2 or even 3 (!) ZIF sockets on-board. Only one wide-slot 40 pin ZIF socket is necessary with PICALL.) The reason the 40 pin ZIF socket is not included is because these are manufactured in north America while the kit is packed in Hong Kong. Since most kits are sold in Europe & north America it is cheaper if you buy the socket locally. All software and other documentation is available from Bojan Dobaj's Home Page at For a full list of the devices programmed by Kit 117 visit K117. PICALL for Windows software. V0.10c. november, 2001. 750K. Latest. All the Error Messages are now in Help of the Hardware Settings and Testing.
$58.00 |
Kit 121. Atmel 89Cx051 ProgrammerNo special software required other than a terminal emulation program. In Windows these terminal programs come with it: Terminal (W3.11) or Hyperterminal (W95/98). Can be used on any computer and operating system. Support for 89C1051U added 8/200 Sample batch file to help automate volume programming. Change it to suit your tastes. No frills terminal program to program Kits 121 & 122. Easier than using Hyperterminal. DOS based but will run under W9x.
$58.00 |
K122 Kit 122 Atmel AVR programmerTo program 20-pin DIP - 90S1200, 90S2313, and 40-pin DIP - 90S4414, 90S8515. Programs at 9600 baud. Parallel mode. With the optional adaptor board you can now program AT90S4434 and AT90S8535. It will not program the 8-pin AVR devices (90S2323, 90S2343). Adaptor board for K122 to program 90S4434/8535. Underside view of adaptor board Top view of adaptor board
$58.00 |
K123 Kit 123. Atmel 89xxxx ProgrammerTo program
Two DOS utilities are available for downloading to examine and reorder fragmented hex files which some compilers produce. (Fragmented hex files can choke any serial programming software not expecting it.) hexmap.exe and reorder.exe No frills terminal program written by Frank to program Kits 121 122 and 123. Easier than using Hyperterminal. DOS based but will run under W9x.
$89.00 |
K144 Kit 144 Enhanced PICALL Microcontroller PIC programmerThis is an enhanced K117. It will program some Scenix uC's, Atmel AVR's and EEPROMS. See for lists of the uC's it will program. In addition it has an header for USP programming of PICs and Atmels. A 6-pin header and harness come with the kit. June, 2002. K144 now supports PIC18Xxxx chips. Get the latest software for PICALL for Windows software. V0.13c. october, 2002. July 4, 2002. K144 now support programming PIC18Fxxx chips. You must use the latest software for PICALL for Windows software. V0.12c. May, 2002. A small hardware addition is needed for K144. No hardware change is needed for K96.
$46.80 |
K149 Kit 149 USB/Serial PIC programmer*THE KIT DOES NOT INCLUDE ZIF SOCKETReleased 12/2002. A DPST switch switches between USB and serial modes. The kit uses a modern, surface-mount FT232BM presoldered on the solder side of the board... New chipinfo.dat file with data for 18F452 and 18F252.
$59.70 |
K150 USB PIC ProgrammerIt has a B USB connector put on it as well as a 6 pin ICSP connector. This kit is fully assembled |
K150 USB PIC Programmer NO ZIF SOCKETIt has a B USB connector put on it as well as a 6 pin ICSP connector. This kit is fully assembled
$13.50 |
K151 Kit 151 EEPROM ProgrammerPC Parallel port programmer for the 24xxx, I2C bus and 93xxx EEPROMS. 8 bit programming mode only. We use a 24C16 Software in the Christmas Tree Kit 103 so that was the main reason we did the kit. A 16 pin ZIF socket is used on-board. The top 8 pins are for the 24xxx; the bottom 8 are for the 93xxx SPI EEPROM's. Kit 151. eeprog.exe software
$39.00 |
Kit 182 USB Flash PIC programmer NO ZIF socketKit 182 is Kit 128 without the ZIF socket. It is thus a Flash ICSP Programmer operating from the USB port. It will be sold fully assembled as most of the components are surface mount. The board is only 48 x 30mm. There are 4 nylon 10mm standoffs to protect the underside. USB 'B' female connector. Click on the picture below for more information.
This board can program a wide range of Microchip®
PIC™ microcontrollers
Price: $48.30 |