The following is a list of our available electronic DIY kits with pricing and
a brief description of each. These kits come with all necessary components and
PCB to assemble yourself.
Call for discount on 10 or more kits
Miscellaneous Kits Below
![]() Price: $21.90 |
THERMOSTAT MODULE 5 - 30°C ( 41 - 86°F)-VM137 Simple low-cost thermostat / temperature controller for various applications. Features
$13.89 |
K9 Kit 9 Oscillator Building BlocksA learning module. Build and experiment with astable, monostable and SR flip-flop multivibrators on the one PCB. 6 LED's & 9V battery-powered. See and understand exactly how each works. Good introduction to electronics. |
$16.50 |
K10 Kit 10 Touch/Contact SwitchBoth types of switch are built onto the one PCB so you can see and explore how each type works. A battery can power the touch switch (2 contacts) but a power supply (like Kit 4) must be used for the touch plate (1 terminal) to work. High quality 12V relay rated at switching 240V/3A supplied. Uses 14011 IC. |
$16.44 |
K12 Kit 12 Audio-To-Light Modulator.Introduces the Optocoupler-triac MOC3021 and triac. Complete electrical isolation between input audio signal (low voltage circuit) and output light modulation (mains supply voltage levels) is achieved. |
$15.40 |
K13 Kit 13 Sound Activated Tape Recorder SwitchCan be adjusted to turn on your tape recorder through its REMOTE plug. Has feedback and delay circuit for robust operation. Very sensitive. Proven circuit. Needs 6V plug pack for most stable operation. |
$38.14 |
K20 Kit 20 Crystal Locked Ultrasonic Movement DetectorMatched 40 kHz transmitter/receiver pair of transducers detects movement at over 7 metres. Separate PCB for mounting the active units. Latch/reset PCB-mounted switch on board. Sensitivity control. 9V battery operation. Transmitter is crystal- locked at 40kHz for maximum efficiency. |
$54.48 |
K26 Kit 26 Fibre Optic Audio LinkAllows you to send sound through plastic 1mm fibre optic cable. Matched transmitter/receiver pair from Motorola. Two circuit boards with a microphone at one end and a speaker at the other. 14 feet fibre optic cable supplied. Will work over 200 meters. |
$21.08 |
K29 Kit 29 Combination LockAn introduction to a basic but fully working combination lock. Separate touch pad with 9 pads. Lock is reset if an incorrect digit is pressed. Relay is capable of switching 250V. 12V operation. Robust and versatile. |
$32.45 |
K30 Kit 30 PIR Movement DetectorCircuit designed around a recently developed movement IC the KC778B. Circuit utilizes PIR detector and a light dependent resistor (LDR) to provide an optimized circuit that will detect motion up to 6 metres away. Operates on 9-12 VDC. Note that the PIR sensor & the PCB-mounted fresnel lens fit on the other side of the PCB; the solder side. This is to allow the unit to be mounted inside a container with the detecting lens poking out and the controls facing inside the box. |
$13.75 |
K33 Kit 33 Tape Recorder Switch for TelephoneThis kit uses a FET to switch on a tape recorder when the phone is picked up. It will work with low voltage tape recorders as low as 1.5V. It requires the REMOTE & MIC jacks of the tape recorder to be available. Plugs are provided. |
$39.60 |
Kit 42. Number Cruncher 68HC705K1Binary/hexadecimal/decimal/2's complement converter using a K1 uC. Eight LEDs are in a row. Step turns them on in turn by counting up using binary arithmetic. The 3-digit display shows the decimal equivalent (between 0 & 255) of the binary pattern. Press mode and the equivalent hexadecimal value (between 0 & FF) of the binary pattern is displayed. Mode and step pressed together will count backwards. If step is kept depressed the LEDs will rapidly count through the complete binary cycle in about 9 seconds. But that is only half the capability of the Kit. Pressing mode again will show the 2's complement binary pattern of the previously displayed binary number. The equivalent hex and decimal values of the 2's comp number are also shown on the 3-digit display. Double-sided small PCB, 49mm x 79mm, 1.95" x 3.1". Supplied with box. 9V battery required. Display turns off after 1 minute with no keypress. Complete annotated program code supplied on floppy disk. Reviewed in Electronics Australia, 9/94, p82 - 86. |
$12.80 |
K43 Kit 43 Relay Board for 10A/250V Rated Relay |
$15.62 |
K45 Relay Board for 2 x 1A Miniature RelaysQuite often the hobbyist needs to use a relay. The output of some device like a PIR has output pads for the alarm signal which must be connected to a remote switching device. Or sometimes we have a Kit to test which needs a relay connected to it. To fill these needs we have made two Kits which are just a relay, PCB and terminal blocks for the input/output signals. There are many relay pin-outs & drive voltages to select from. We have standardized on two 12V relays from Goodsky. Kit 43 uses a large electro-mechanical relay designed to switch 240VAC/10A. Kit 45 uses two miniature 1A relays. |
$29.00 |
K49 Kit 49 Crystal Locked Ultrasonic Movement Detector 2Our first ultrasonic movement detector - Kit 20 - has been very popular. This is another circuit design which we believe is more sensitive with fewer components. The transducers are mounted on the same PCB as the circuit. Manufacturers data on ultrasonic transducers Ultrasonic transducers & 40kHz crystal. |
$21.78 |
K55 Kit 55 Suction Cup Telephone PickupUses a suction cup to attach to your telephone handset. Picks up the magnetic field produced in the earpiece by both sides of a telephone conversation. Using op-amps is still a bit of a black art & good layout is essential. Feeds into an 8 ohm speaker after amplification. Volume control trimpot built in. Uses an LM358 & LM386 on a single sided PCB. 93LC46A EEPROM. Note must use 'A' 8 bit version for Kit 53, NOT the 'B' 16 bit version. Codepad software 47K
$64.90 |
K56 Kit 56 Tone Grabber - Audio or Phone Tone DecoderThis kit connects to the phoneline and records the number dialled (tone dialling) and the duration of the call on a 2x16 LCD. It also accepts audio input from an microphone, tape recorder or magnetic pickup. Uses 68HC705K1 microcontroller. On-board phone & audio jacks. Source code.7K |
$21.78 |
K57 Kit 57 Negative/Positive Ion GeneratorIon generator powered by 110-240V mains supply. It uses the standard Cockroft-Walton multiplier circuit - a ladder of diodes and capacitors to pump the output voltage up to the level required. Fuse built into the PCB. Uses ordinary needle work pins as the ion emitters. Neon indicator to show when the power is on. Reversing the 1N4007 diodes makes it a positive ion generator. The user must supply a suitable box for this project. CAUTION: This is a high-voltage, mains supply project. The user must take extreme caution. |
$21.78 |
K58 Kit 58 IR Remote Toggle SwitchA very useful kit. Everybody has Infra Red transmitters at home - TV remote, video remote, CD remote, etc. Use ANY Infra Red remote to toggle this switch on or off. Relay output rated at 12VDC/10A or 240VAC/5A. CAUTION: This is a high-voltage, mains supply project. The user must take extreme caution. Specification sheet for the IR Receiver Module. Specification sheet for the IR LED. |
$24.48 |
K62 Kit 62 PIR Movement Detector ComponentsThis kit contains all the hard to get parts for a PIR motion detector. Includes the IR sensor, detector IC the KC778B and a PCB-mounted plastic Fresnel lens. Includes data on IC & Sensor. Movement IC Specs - page 1 Movement IC Specs - page 2 RE200B PIR Sensor. Essential specs on RE200B sensor. Fresnel Lens #8002, pcb-mounted. Photo.Note the four mounting lugs which fit into holes in the PCB. Lens Specification sheet. |
$19.99 |
K66 Kit 66 Peltier ModuleWe are selling one type of module 4cm x 4cm, (1.6" x 1.6") with 127 p-n couples. When current passes through two different conductors, heat is produced in one and absorbed in the other. Peltier first described this in 1834. Modern semiconductor materials can make p-n junctions which produce large temperature differences. This 4cm x 4cm x 4mm thick module contains 127 p-n junctions connected electrically in series but thermally in parallel. Maximum temperature difference = 59 deg C at 30 deg C ambient with no heat load. Maximum ratings = 13.5V, 4.4A, 36W.
$71.00 |
K72 Kit 72 Three x 8 Channel IR Transmitter & ReceiverControl 8 relays using this IR Remote Control Unit. Over 20 meters in sunlight. Uses 2 high-powered IR LED's & latest IR detector/decoder from Kodenshi. Transmitter case, 8 miniature relays & all components provided. Uses paired encoder/decoder IC pair. Full instructions included. Four ranges set by jumpers. NOTE: Nov 96. We have found that the latest batches of the SM5032B receiver decoder IC (date coded 9620 & 9630) do NOT work as the previous chips did. The problem has been traced to a change by the chip manufacturer. The two jumper-on option does not work. No jumpers on or only one jumper on still works OK. So this is now a 3 x 8 Channel IR Tx/Rx. The manufacturer says they will not be changing the chip at the moment. Specification sheet for the IR Receiver Module. |
$59.50 |
K74 Kit 74 PC Printer Port Relay BoardDo you have an old PC lying around the house which absolutely no one wants? Then you can convert it into a dedicated controller. Communicate with the real world via the parallel printer port on your PC. Simply connect printer cable from computer to Centronics connector on relay board. There are 8 relays each capable of switching 12VDC/10A or 240VAC/5A. Each relay has an LED to indicate when it is operated. We provide two sets of complete, stand-alone software to control the relays: one works under DOS so you can write your own batch files to control individual relays, the other under Windows 3.1. Linux software for Kit 74 has been written by James Cameron. You may get it at Quozl's Open Source Work. |
$49.00 |
K75 Kit 75 PIC Trainer.Three plug-in modules and a motherboard measure & display temperature (both C & F) and humidity, Counter & timer in seconds, and 4 AD conversions. Excellent practical as well as a learning tool. 3/2000. The 16C71 PIC has been discontinued. We are now using the 16C711 with the required slight code modification. Download annotated source code 16K. Scan of Kit 75 motherboard Scan of Kit 75b AD input demonstration board Scan of Kit 75c Counter/Timer Board Scan of Kit 75d Temperature/Humidity Board
K76: $15.51K133: $19.04 |
K76 Kit 76 Movement Detector Module (KC7783) and Kit 133 (KC7786)This kit is a fully assembled and tested miniature PIR module with only 3 connections: Power, Ground & Output. Rated for 5- 10VDC input power. Has 2 1/2" cable attached as shown in the photo. Uses RE200B PIR sensor. Output is an active high pulse of approx. 0.5 seconds and remains active as long as there is motion. Range up to 3 metres. Manufacturer's spec sheet Most recent spec Spec of the KC7783R using a die form of the IC. Slightly cheaper. |
$33.60 |
K79 Kit 79 Three Circuits-In-One LDR CircuitsWe provide 3 complete and separate Light/Dark LDR circuits each with a relay on-board all in the one kit. Each is a simple well tried circuit: one uses two transistors in a super-darlington setup, the second uses a LM741 op-amp while the third uses a Schmidt Trigger. Each board has a PCB-mounted switch to convert the circuit from light to dark switching and vice versa. There is nothing original in these circuits - they have been around for years. What we have done is bring three good timer circuits together all in the one Kit for you to build & experiment with. |
$20.52 |
K84 Kit 84 Mains Power Relay SwitchMany electronic projects use a low-voltage circuit to control the mains power supply eg. a touch switch, movement detectors, etc. In most cases the signal is brought out to a pad or terminal on the PCB. It is left up to the user to "use a suitable relay" to make the actual connection to the mains. Well this kit is the answer. It will take a +12V high or low going signal to switch a DPDT relay rated at 5A/240V. Both sides of the mains supply can be switched. A 5A fuse on one side is also included. |
$26.00 |
K92 Kit 92 IR Remote Control & Decoder ICThis Kit uses a commercial 14 button remote control, unit to put an active low signal onto one of 14 output pins on a decoder IC. That is, when a button is pressed the pin corresponding to that button goes low. Normally, each of the 14 output pins is high. It is up to the user to use this information in their own circuit where remote control is required. For example, to control up to 14 relays or to control the movement of a robot. We supply all the necessary extra components required for the decoder IC to function properly. No PCB is supplied. It is up to the user to breadboard their application then make their own PCB. A sample application/test circuit is provided. A 330W resistor & LED are supplied for testing the active low on a pin in response to a button press. We supply three sets of components: 1. a 14 button Infra Red Remote Control unit. It just needs you to add 2 x AAA batteries. 2. a 3-pin Infrared Receiver Module, the Waitrony PIC1018SCL, which converts the modulated 38kHz signal into data pulses. 3. an Atmel 89C2051-24PC microcontroller which we have preprogrammed to decode the IR data pulses from the remote control into one of 14 active low outputs. All required components for the microcontroller are supplied - a 12MHz ceramic resonator for the oscillator, resistor, capacitor and diode for the power-on reset circuit plus two 10K pullup resistors. |
$89.00 |
K93 Kit 93 PC Data Acquisition UnitUse the parallel port of your PC as a real world interface. It enables your PC to both monitor & control external events and devices. The world is a mixed analog & digital world. With the appropriate sensors the PC can monitor physical variables such as pressure, temperature, light intensity, weight, switch state, movement, relays, etc, process the information and then use the result to control physical devices such as motors, sirens, other relays, servo motors (up to 11) & two stepper motors. Includes 7 pages of documentation, schematic, heatsink, plastic box, and more! |
$108.90 |
K101 Kit 101 20MHz Function GeneratorUses MAX038. Comes in its own box with front & rear panel pieces. Coarse & fine tuning. Also TTL output. 2V p-p. Full instructions. Scan of end panel pieces provided. EL2001 data sheet |
$14.85 |
K104 Kit 104 Music Box EngineThe electronic equivalent of a mechanical music box. It is activated by light falling on an LDR. It then plays a range of tunes. The kit can be placed anywhere you want to hear a tune when light shines on it; opening a cupboard or drawer, music box. M3481, M3485 IC Specification. |
$99.00 |
K108 Kit 108 Serial Isolated I/O Module.8-Relay Module (mains rated - to 250VAC.) An extension of our Kit 74, PC controlled 8-Relay Board with safe & protected 250V switching relays and added features. It is in a plastic case, latched relay operation, 250V/12A certified relays switched by using Dinkle connectors (250V rated), and with 4 external inputs. Programmable. Comes with case and end panel pieces as shown in the photos. Uses serial port so it can be located over 100 yards from the PC. After programming the PC can be disconnected. KIT 108 UPGRADE $29.00
$9.90 |
K110 Kit 110 Continuity TesterA continuity tester is one of the most useful pieces of test equipment to have. It is used for testing the electrical continuity between two points. Our tester will "buzz" up to a specified resistance or less. Two on-board resistance ranges available. Full theory of operation given. The user may adjust the resistance ranges to suit his own requirements. |
$38.50 |
K112 Kit 112 Pocket Data Logger/SamplerConnects to the PC parallel port & will sample 0-2V or 0-20V at intervals from 1/hour to every 100uS. Copied (with permission) from Electronics Australia 8/96. PCB redesigned with PCB-mounted switches to be ALL CONTAINED IN AN EXTENDED D-SHELL CASE. No batteries needed. Scan of end-case piece Pocket Sampler 16-bit W95 & W3.11 software, mar 28, 1998 Ocean Controls software, 682K. Pocket Sampler Word6 docs & test files, updated mar 1, 1998 30K 10/99 New software for both K112 and K118. 3.82 MBytes. |
$63.50 |
K118 Kit 118 12-bit Data Acquisition System.It uses a MAX186 ADC. It all fits inside an extended D shell case which plugs onto the parallel DB25 connector of your PC. It has 8 analog inputs, 4 digital inputs & 4 digital outputs. Scan of PCB Assembled kit and extended D shell case. Download zipped documentation. 42K 12 bit Data Acquisition Windows software. 732K 10/99 New software for both K112 and K118. 3.82 MBytes. Linux software for K118 has been writen by James Cameron. You may get it at Quozl's Open Source Work.
$46.50 |
K120 Kit 120 Dual Temperature Meter |
$18.00 |
K126 Kit 126 Mini-VOX and Relay
$23.90 |
K130 Kit 130 Infra Red Barrier/Door MinderThe plastic tube is to put over the IR LED to restrict beam divergence. This is needed to prevent false triggering when the barrier is only a few yards wide. 7/2001 we are adding protection diodes to both boards and using a new IR Receiver Module. See here for new documentation.
$17.25 |
K133 Kit 133 12V movement detector module.Kit 133. KC7786. New 12VDC Movement detector Module with no cable. |
$44.40 |
K134 Kit 134 Introduction to LCD'sLearn how to connect a 2x16 LCD to a PC parallel port. First this kit will show you how to write keystrokes from the PC keyboard to display on the LCD. It will show you how to process this data (rotate the string left and right.) All the code is provided. Second, there is an on-board DS1620 to measure temperature. The temperature is displayed in F or C. Just press a button to display either. With the DS1620 you may set breakpoints to turn a thermostat on/off. We provide all the code to do this. Once the DS1620 is programmed it may be removed and placed in another device for temperature control. Many web references are given. Software for K134. Small change 4/2001. jpg's for k134 assembly. DS1620 data sheet. |
$13.89 |
K137 Kit 137 Touch Switch |
$56.50 |
K140 Kit 140 Telephone Line Switcher IIThe replacement for Kit 86. Remember kit 86 was discontinued because the Motorola K1 uC was discontinued. We now use an Atmel 89C2051-24PI. Use your telephone to switch 4 relays over the phone. |
$29.00 |
K141 Kit 141 Multi Mode TimerThird in our series of low cost, single-sided PCBs using a micro-controller to replace a handful of ICs if built using traditional cmos ICs. (The previous two were kits 129 amd 154.) Has seven timing modes (all we could think of.) These are the time delays possible:
Timing accuracy +/- 0.01%. |
$79.00 |
K142 Kit 142 14-button remote control unit and atmel decoder IC in a 12 channel relay board.This kit was published in Silicon Chip, september, 2002. Kit is comprised of a 14-button commercial remote control and 12-channel relay board. Allows you to add a remote control to any existing project or equipment. |
$34.98 |
K145 Kit 145 Serial Temperature Sensor.Kit 145 is a PC controlled 4 channel temperature meter (either deg C or F) using the serial port,a PIC12C509 and 4 x DS1820. No external power required. We think that each DS1820 may be located over 200 meters away from the motherboard and PC. This is an ideal use for old 386 and 486 computers: continuous temperature data logging. Users will have to massage the input data stream to their purpose. It may be dumped into an Excel spreadsheet, or they can write BASIC programs using the INPUT command to grab the readings. As you can see from the photo there is not much to the hardware. (Developed by James Cameron and you can read his documentation here.) The kit is supplied with one DS1820 due to their cost. You may buy additional ones to complete the kit directly from us at $US6.50 each includes airmail postage. Note that the DS1820 has now been replaced by theDS18S20 (1/2000). |
$14.93 |
K152 Kit 152 Multi-timer IISchematic to show how to connect two x K152 together to get very long duration timers - to 20 years. |
K153 Kit 153 DTMF Tone DecoderA cheap, simple, audio, 16x1 DTMF Tone Decoder, Kit 153, is now released.It accepts input from a microphone or direct from the phone lines through an audio 600R:600R isolation transformer.
$19.50 |
K156 Kit 156 Dual HI/LO Switched Relay BoardNo description Click here for PDF |
$69.00 |
K164 Kit 164 Telephone Data LoggerThis Data Logger stores over 2,800 x 10 digit DTMF numbers. Records all buttons pressed during a call. Time and date recorded. Here is a typical log report: 07-Aug-01 09:01:32,07-Aug-01
09:02:50,2748828821097231880838#02111111#1 Lines with no numbers pressed are incoming calls.
Kit 168 the Ultrasonic Wind Speed Meter All the components fit under the 16 x 2 LCD. Switches S2 and S3 come out from the bottom of the board which has plastic 10mm standoffs. It uses a 40kHz ultrasonic Tx/Rx pair to detect wind speed. This design was published in EPE, 1/2003. A copy of the original EPE article goes with the kit. To hold the ultrasonics I found that the locally available, disposable chopsticks were excellent. They even had a groove to align the units to directly face each other. Here are the redrawn schematics - jpg. I have kept the same component designators as the original article. |
K171 250mW POWER AMPLIFIER This project is a simple 2-transistor
VHF power amplifier, |
$18.96 |
This project is a complete crystal-controlled Wide Band Frequency Modulated (WBFM) transmitter delivering a power output in the order of 10 milli-watts (+10dBm) using simple components. Thetransmitter is based upon the Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) principle, but due to the circuit's simplicity a true "phase lock" can never be achieved. |
Kit 173 RF Data Link Serial Transmitter K173 can receive up to 64 characters via its serial port and transmit the message. The serial port baudrate is selectable from 300, 1200, 2400 and 9600. The data format is fixed at 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit). Two input modes are available as well as input echo if required. An optional destination address can be automatically inserted into the message before transmitting |
Kit 174 RF Data Link Receiver Serial Output K174 will receive any messages sent by K173 or K175 and output the data via its serial port. The data format is fixed at 8N1 (8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit). The data rate is selectable between 2400 and 9600 baud. An optional carriage return/line feed can be appended to the output |
Kit 175 RF Data Link Parallel Transmitter Board K175 monitors 8 digital inputs for change. If change is detected on any input the state of all the inputs is transmitted. An optional destination address can be added to the message before transmitting. The pinout of the input connector allows direct connection to a PC printer port. |
Kit 176 RF Data Link Receiver Parallel Output K176 will receive any messages sent by K173 or K175 and output the data via its parallel port. The pinout of the output connector is the same as a PC printer port, allowing direct connection to a printer. Optional features are included to control a Centronics type printer. |
This panel meter is an almost ideal replacement for the traditional
moving-coil type instrument. Its accuracy is many times better. The
high precision and stability offered by this meter are illustrated in
the technical specifications. As it is very compact, this unit can be
built into all kinds of housings or even into existing equipment. Specifications
Connecting a number of relays to the outputs of an electronic network
may seem very simple, but in reality it might possibly create some
problems regarding the cabling. This kit provides an attractive and
compact alternative. Moreover, it can be assembled and connected very
rapidly. Specifications
Relays are usually used to switch AC voltages by means of an
electronic control because of their simplicity. However, when
switching occurs too frequently or too quickly the life time of the
contact points is shortened considerably. This can be solved perfectly
by replacing the relays with a triac. Using optocouplers, the entire
interface network remains electrically isolated from the voltage that
has to be switched. Specifications
.Two working modes:
a) dimming slowly,Dimming on and off times adjustable independently ( 2 seconds up to 1 hour) b) timer / dimmer. On - time and dimming speed adjustable independently ( 1 seconds up to 30 minutes) .Main Voltage: 110-125 V or 220-240 V, 50 or 60Hz .Max load: 2A (400W at 220V or 200W at 100 V ) .Power supply included .Dimensions: 70 x 95mm (27.56" x 37.40" ) |
This one channel IR receiver/dimmer works together with the 15 channel
IR transmitter (K6710& K8049). The receiver code can be set to 1 of
the 15 transmitter codes so that 15 receivers can be operated (K6712
and/or K6713) independently of each other. Thanks to its compact
design this kit fits into a standard light switch housing. Specifications
This signal tracer /injector has been designed to
inject or detect a specific signal into an audio circuit in need of
repair (such as amplifiers, radios, tone controls, ...) so as to
detect the fault. In this way problems can be traced more easily. The
signal tracer may also be used as a simple monitor or amplifier.
Soldering Starter Kit - 1 Ideal for beginners Features
$43.90 |
Soldering Starter Kit - 2 Ideal for beginners Features
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ELECTRONIC CRICKET-MK104 Can be used for fun or to simulate a hot summer night. Automatically comes on when it gets dark. Cricket repetition (time between two crickets), effect and tone adjustable. Adjustable light sensitivity. Specifications
Price: $ 9.40 |
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Price; $ 9.99 |
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WATER ALARM-MK108 Gives alarm sound when water is detected. Incorporated alarm buzzer. Water sensor can be placed at a distance by cutting the board and using wires to connect the sensor. Specifications
Price: $ 8.60 |
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SIMPLE ONE CHANNEL LIGHT ORGAN-MK110 With loudspeaker input. Modulates a lamp according to the music signal at the input. Optical isolated loudspeaker input. Adjustable sensitivity. Specifications
Price: $ 11.20 |
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INTERVAL TIMER-MK111 For intermittent operation of circuits and equipment. Blinking light, video/photo single frame shooting, slide projector control, miniature models. Specifications
Price: $ 9.99 |
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SIREN SOUND GENERATOR-MK113 Generates 4 different sounds : police siren, fire brigade, emergency vehicle and laser gun. RV1 adjusts sound pitch. On/off switch and PCB speaker included. Specifications
Price: $14.40 |
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LOW VOLTAGE LIGHT ORGAN-MK114 Operates at safe voltage level. Makes lamps flash to the rhythm of the music. Usable for halogen bulbs. Optically isolated speaker input. Adjustable sensitivity. Can be used in the car, if the lamps are isolated from the chassis. Specifications
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CLASSIC TV GAME-MK121NTSCOne player mode : four difficulty levels, to select a level hold one of the move buttons then press RESTART. Two player mode : press RESTART. Press both move buttons to "smash" or to start serve. Only the server can score points. Features
Price: $23.60 |
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CABLE POLARITY CHECKER-MK132Check cables for continuity and identify individual wires. Ideal for speaker cable polarity checking. LED indication for open circuit, shorts and correct or wrong polarity. Pushbutton operation with auto power off. Specifications
Price: $9.80 |
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ELECTRONIC DECISION MAKER-MK135Helps making difficult YES or NO decisions. Ideal for the indecisive. Simply push the button to start flashing of YES/NO LEDs. Flashing speed gradually decreases and finally one LED remains lit. Specifications
Price:$ 9.99 |
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SUPER STEREO EAR-MK136Stereo audio amplifier boosts sound 50 times. Great for the-hearing impaired (e.g. when watching TV), as a gadget, science project, … With volume control and on/off switch. Specifications
Price: $13.50 |
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THERMOSTAT-MK138General purpose low-cost thermostat with NTC temperature sensor. Output relay with LED-indicator. Specifications
Price: $10.40 |
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Price: $18.40 |
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DC to Pulse Width Modulator-K8004This control circuit is ideal for the accurate control of DC motors, lighting levels, small heaters as well as other applications. The circuit converts a DC voltage into a series of pulses, such that the pulse duration is directly proportional to the value of the DC voltage. The great advantage of such a circuit is that almost no power is lost in the control circuit. Protected against overload and short circuit. Specifications